Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Heraclitus, one of the more significant greek philosophers around, once said this:

"The only constant in this universe is changes."

though it's not in his exact words, the content is. how i admire this sentence, yet at the same time, fear it. I admire because it's impressive and so true; the theory is so simple yet a lot of us only manage to look at this world superficially and days after days just passed without us realizing. I fear because of uncertainty, because of comfort zone, because of reality. however, it is inevitable that changes are necessary for evolution, for strategic business decisions, for erhmmm, a better tomorrow?

personally, im alright with changes because i believe no one person is indispensable in this world. though i admit it comes with efforts to adapt to the new environment (depends on how big the change) and lots of 舍不得.

I applaud her for making this decision. though she will still be around after the decision is made official, i will miss her and us. a big thank you to you for all that you've done, i know it is not an easy deicision for you to make, to let go of the efforts that you've put in over the years, to let go of us.

all the best to your next advancement, hope you will excel as successfully as you have done over here. =)

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