Ha, should just put monday as a no-appt-day next time cos it's either they arent free or im a bit lazy to meet them. it's a monday... actually, it's all in the mind. Sulks.
Making a few calls now, trying to fill my week. i need to meet more people. heh.
Nothing's interesting has happened yet.
I always write incoherently. And my sentences are pretty broken. But i dont care.
Hee, here's a conversation of someone who eats a bit too much. grin.

huiling: says: wah...what u eat for lunch?
BRã ™ (>.<) says: ee mee..so boring..Now i eating bread talk..heehee
huiling: says: wah..so fast eat so many things
huiling: says: the bah hoo?
BRã ™ (>.<) says: no lah..garlic bread..yummy
huiling: says: hee..fattening
Haha, wanted to print screen but cant seem to do it. I'm not very persistent in terms of this, so i gavee up trying. whahah.
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