1. Bloated & Indigestion
Might be due to the nonya-粽; And my mama makes yummy-licious nonya-粽! I think i eat one almost everyday. haha. But 1 good thing that comes out from this is my reduced appetite, dont really feel like eating anything else cos i'll be pretty bloated after that. =)
my solution: Drink vitagen everyday. (there are tonnes of them in my fridge)
2. Sleeping disorder
Cant sleep well these days and cant get to sleep last night. sulks. Although it's still quality sleep i.e. 一觉到天亮, i lack the quantity. Has been sleeping like 5 hours everyday. The only days that i will sleep more are sat & sun but i guess it's always unhealthy to wake up past 9am. Someone once told me that we only need 6 hours of sleep a day and thus, there's this period of time which i sleep by 1am and wake up at 7am everyday except weekends (8am/830am). Felt healthier and better then.
Somehow, the change for the worse has pulled me down on self-discipline, and it's super irritating especially so if u're in sales. urghz. I need to feel good about myself again; I have to be in control!
my solution: I am going to sleep earlier, starting from tonight - latest time i sleep is 1am.
3. favourites!

Bought these on my way home. I'm a totally tidbits person.
my solution: I'm not going to waste my cash on tidbits unnecessarily.
Signs and smyptoms that i'm leading a very unhealthy life. Exercising so much lesser these days as well, in fact, i dont really exercise now. Not even yoga. Sometimes there's golf classes and that's it. Of course, the above fully explains my tremendous increase in weight, has put on at least 8kg since I joined the insurance industry. Saddening.
Fats aside.
My new buy yesterday. A bysi skirt...on sale. Hhahaha.

I thought it's quite flattering and i pretty much regretted for not getting the red one too. Well, life's like that, all bout' decisions.
A glimpse to my very messy room

Will pack it now. =)
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