Work has been hectic the past few days due to changing regulations and new products into the market..met up a few times with a couple of clients to get things done the company's im not exactly working efficiently. plus my travelling is a serious waste of time..nearly wanted to get a car. but on second thoughts, it's cheaper to take cabs...
decided not to get a car until im real comfy...but what is comfy? hee, subjective. most prob not going to get my rav4 so soon, mayb a 2nd-hand civic or wrx first...or perhaps, get a wish for my dad and i drive his corolla. dont mind a bit since his corolla is fully paid-up. =) save costs. grin.
a couple of things to blog about...first off, the new BK swiss chicken!!!
my brain says it's nothing fantastic. What's the diff between this and mushroom swiss? ha, the chicken patty lor! just wanted to try it since it looks pretty good in the pics, so i waited for my client at WM's BK yest..and since im 15 min early and he's 35 min late, i decided to give it a shot..
me: auntie, give me a chicken swiss and a small barley k.
bk auntie: sorry, we dont have small barley, it's medium.
bk auntie: but if u get only a burger $4.90 and drink$2.10, it's not worth it. you should get a meal instead $6.90. wat's more, the fries & drink are large-sized. more wu-hua!!!
me: erhmm, ok then.

Anyway i couldnt finish the food, i knew that couldnt & i 've wasted them. Sorry. The burger is so huge that i ate only the patty & mushroom, the bun is nice & soft yeah, but i've no room for them. Luckily my client was super late, so i had a bit more time to chew off the fries. Managed to finished at least half the pack...
Met up with zw after that and we went for Adam Rd's prawn noodle...of cos, only he's eating. heh. i was still very full from BK. The prawn noodle soup is superb!!!!!! as always... And we went to wala after that.

His pint of hoegarden & chipolatas while i had a non-alcoholic strawberry crush (since i'm driving)...felt has been a long while since we went for a drink together...and as we were looking at the crowd around us, it's not difficult to identify the regulars at wala and we began to discuss the lifestyle that these people are leading..and of cos, it led to our forte, money management issues. anyway, this entry from blinkymummy's pretty sum up our discussion.
So what's the end point? what does it mean to lead such a lifestyle? does it equate to being happening? or a form of stress relief? but how about finances wise? is it too taxing on the keep? what's there to remain in the bank? perhaps the monies could be put into better use for the future?
in all, it's income vs expenses. i mean, with our income, we could have easily earned more than a lot of people sitting around us by a margin and since we feel the stress of making too little money. how can people who earn lesser than us get by with such an "extravagant" lifestyle? what's left every month for them?
heng ar! my firefox hung on me..and i thought i have lost the above entry. but thanks to blogger!!! for the auto-save feature!
monies aside...
had dinner with zw at Olio dome just now...

hee, food's not exactly fantastic but wasnt to bad either. forgot the pics of the maincourse...only managed to capture our olio sizzling-hot chocolate brownie!!!

very nice!!! it's actually brownie on a hotplate, and the waitress will then pour the chocolate melts over the brownie and sprinkle the peanuts topping ... the whole process is simply amazing & it's excellent visual effects! haha. it's better than mr bean's sinful brownie..
and i've got donuts from donuts factory after that! thanks guys for getting the donuts for me!!! hee, tried the spicy cheese, the cheese's darn rich! i like!

captured this at suntec (the revamped place near the main entrance)..hee.
anyway, this post's going to be quite long cos i still wants to write!
next up, about abnns...
incident 1: irritating
was on the train from boon lay to lavender (to meet my client) and i was quite glad to find an empty train so that i can rest my feet. so i especially chose this 2-seater, not long after, an abnn came along and sit right beside me. i was like, wtf???
there are so many empty seats of all sorts around us lor, why must u sit beside me? while i wallowed in self-pity, i was deciding if i should change seat. of cos, i did in the end but not without pretending that i was looking for a friend. irritating!
pleas dont sit beside me the next time! i'll be okay if the train's really crowded or if you have not much of a choice, but please dont please dont sit beside me if there're so many empty seats around!!! thank you very much! i'm kinda allergic to the smell of coconut oil...
incident 2: appalled & disgusted
was going to take the train from lavender to city hall when i saw 2 abnns families standing in front of one of the doors, so i've decided not to squeeze with them and walked further up to the next. as the very packed train stopped to pick on boarding passengers, one of the families started to run towards my direction with their pram and "forced" me to another corner so that they can rammed their pram into the train once the door opened! and they really did ram the pram!! and while they were inside, they tried to pushed theirselves across the cabin so that they can reunite with their friends who went in from the next door...
imagine a super packed train which no one can move more than 2 inches and this family actually squeezed themselves through with their pram's wheels going over a lady's feet..arghz, somemore the guy's from one of the big investment mnc firms..pui!
something must be done. im not biased or against them, i believe everyone should be given a fair chance. it's just arghz lor!
anyway, the highlight of today's entry is that i have this huge crush on my client. haha, and i've told zw bout it. heh. each time i sees him, my face will flush and my heart beats faster but of course, nothing will come out of it and he's only a 20 yrs old chap it's just, whahaaha, so cute!!!
Ur lifestyle seems very fattening.
Pls calculate how many calories u take in in a day.
it's accumulative my dear! anyway i've got a tag board!
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