happening la.
anyway, i is CRAVING for some clubbing sessions!!! please ask me out! not this wednesday though cos i'll be at a retreat. hee.
pictures. note: this is gonna be a super long post!
took this at tcc raffles place while slacking with zw. the menu.

Was at my colleagues' wedding @ the legends, fort canning last sunday 23/09. nice place! but since it's an al fresco dinner plus the weather kinda sucks and it was super humid, so haha, hot hot hot. =)
the legends.

some randome pics.

steph, the couple, vette & i. myslef, vette & steph.

zw & myself. joelle & myself. shuming & myself.

steph & myself.

the guys & i. vette, me, & lbn inside the toilet.

isetan private sale 27/09! super crowded, check out the queues. no mood to shop upon seeing the crowds. haha. minimal damage = good job!

me. saw liqiang (who was doing SP) at the area.

new asia bar with steph.

asian civilization museum! 29/09.
i love to take these kinda arty-farty pictures these days.

the surroundings. nice la! i like.

the gals after the investment seminar! pretty piggy banks.

went to vivo's white dog cafe with zw after the whole event. the ambience is fantastic, food is average and overpriced. we supposed that's for the rental.
this is how they serve their ice-water. we like. and it's time-efficient for the waiters too cos they dont have to top-up our water constantly. my hazelenut latte.

us at white dog.

food!!! forgot to take a pic of the platter. here's the american bake cheesecake, taste almost the same as what i can make. haha.

the manhanttan, the fish market @ central mall 30/09.

food!!! here's the soup - seafood chowder. er, so-so lo though i quite like. but it's definitely nothing special and the food looked & tasted like fish & co. and zw actually prefer fish & co.; i cant tell the difference though. ha. as ususal, i forgot all the main course.

i like the table.

the famous hokkaido ice-cream after dinner! the passion fruit ice-cream's good, but overall nothing fantastic & expensive. especially tha part where we got to pay extra 50cents for the cone. haha. i prefer mcdee's ice-cream cone lo.

then, went up to mt faber for a drink @ the hill bar, before another round of operation mj. too lazy to take pics by then. haha, i had a strawberry shake since im driving while zw ordered a kilkenny. i missed puffing. or rather, we missed puffing.

today! final sprint @ expo hall 2. A sea of reds.

im bored. had plenty of sleep during the whole event.

zw & i. jteo & i.

mingwei, i know u're reading this! take a picture with me the nxt time k, so that i can put ur handsome pic here as well. grin.
yay, new creations of the week.
1. egg yolk from enggor. 2. remains of the ice-kacang from expo.

anyway, while momo, yamsy & vivie have passed on, mambo has grown old. he's now a fugly 12 yrs old tmgc waiting for his turn to become an angel. my mambo's only friend has died, he is a lonely old man! =(
looking for a red camera and eyeing on the red adidas watch. yes, i like red. babes, you gals can get me the adidas watch yeah, the sporty & plastic-ky one k. confirmed. still deciding on the camera, not really very enthu about the specifications though, cos all i want is a pretty red digital camera which i can carry around and use. hee. of cos, it must come with lotsa freebies too la.
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