Woke up to a lazy day and thus, im still at home. kinda tired from the roadshow yesterday. i is old already, cant stand for too long. was at AMK hub and i bet the air-conditioner is free of charge. Alternatively, it must be solar powered. caught a cold. it sucks to be sick and feverish. though im feeling much better today. guess ample rest is the key to staying healthy. feeling unhealthy a few weeks back, with all the operations michael jackson and late nights.
i was flipping through the 晚报 today and hey babe, i saw u on the papers!!! cool ar! haha, our very own sports journalist/reporter from sph. =)

the bestest thing of your brother having a gf is more variety of snacks in the house.
yummy cakes from secret recipe! organic chocolates & gummies from marks & spencers. and buns and egg tarts. grin. btw, the chocolates looks like oreo's treats. haha.

listening to my mum bitching bout her classmate while typing this entry. cos there's this indon classmate of hers who, according to her, has damn good and fair complexion, super fit cos she jogs for 1 hour everyday and blah blah blah. and her diet is super good too, cos no caffeine and no sweet stuffs.. and her favourite food is YI (actually it's 鱼, but my mum says her chinese also 半桶水). and she laugh at her. ha, girls will always be girls. age is not a restriction and definitely not an indication of the level of bitchiness.
haha, mr koo & i. my mum saw this pic and was shocked. she thought i've got a new bf or something. and she asked if zw will mind and stuff, i guess not. haha. knew this bloke way back in school. sat in my car once and still 'complaining' that he nearly die-ed that day. that was like more than 3 years ago la! im more experienced now yeah, no worries.

oh, and my friend is not pregnant.
was reading bra's entry bout his first successful matchmake. hope that i can have something to boast about too, but no stress yeah. hahaha.
just an update on mambogotchi, he passed away lo. of cos, he turned into an ugly old man before he passed on. chloe died at the age of 2 on monday. upset. =(
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