The top on my wishlist gotta be to finish off my figures before Xmas so that I can enjoy my last week of 2010!
Just did a 3-days roadshow at a IT fair last weekends and I swear I'm never ever going back to it again. Not that it's bad or anything else but I think I've gone way past that stage of my career.

That's my bf with bob the builder from west coast plaza.

There's this store at the top level that sells yummilicious fish head curry! Can't remember the shop name but it's the only thriving business in the entire mall apart from cold storage.
Frolick, anyone? Love their fro-yo! Quoting from her world nov issue, 'it's delectably creamy like ice-cream but with a fraction of its calories.' think twice before you eat the next mouth of ice-cream!

Have been snacking excessively these days, gonna put a stop to it soon. I have to starve now so that I can eat more during Xmas!

New favorite!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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