Been slapped with heaps of nonsensical work matters ever since I'm back and worse, I've to also deal with the low inertia to work. Where is the 'fire'? Give me the fire!
At the very same time, I've to also appease my very-neglected boy who had been girlfriendless for the past 2 weeks. Opps, and also oreo monster whom I bet missed me tonnes. :(
I is lazy.
Perth was alright, the friends have been great! Lots of photos, but as usual, i'm not a fan of loading them online. Can checkout my fb though, bet my kakis have uploaded them.
I will try.
The bf took this yesterday and I thought it was hilarious. The title of this shoot has to be
'hey, checkout my dick!'

till the next post, ciaos!
-posted from my iPhone!
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