i need water and a kit kat chunky.
water to rejuvenate myself and chunky to make myself happier!
i've got no appts in the afternoon, and i've no tele girls for this month, and i dont want to do tele myself. shucks, call reluctance. boohoohoo!
water to rejuvenate myself and chunky to make myself happier!
i've got no appts in the afternoon, and i've no tele girls for this month, and i dont want to do tele myself. shucks, call reluctance. boohoohoo!
something that im not used to in the new office will definitely be the lack of h2O, super thirsty. my red nalgene is always empty. not that i dont want to fill it up, but there just isnt enough to go around. well, that's life isnt it. guess buying water will be an easier solution.
intending to go swim today but the weather doesnt look any good unless i leave for the pool right now. but, i cant leave for the pool now cos my stuff are in roommie's honda. i resolute to stay put in office until my appt at 8pm. but staying in office is scary because everyone around me is working cept for myself. it's kinda stress yet irritating. and dear partner's mickey kept staring at me, eerie.
dont be deceived by his smile, he's kinda weird and his dress sense is weird as well.

and there's the reindeer on my desk, courtesy from uob and melson; he shall be called melbie then. melbie is friendlier and he seldom disturbs me. hee. in fact, melbie finds mickey weird too cos he always stare at his butt through the translucent divider between them.

im going bonkers.
onto more normal stuff, remember artbox? i kinda consolidated what i have with the partner's and tada, a gorgeous collection of girly stuff. =) sweet.

save me.
intending to go swim today but the weather doesnt look any good unless i leave for the pool right now. but, i cant leave for the pool now cos my stuff are in roommie's honda. i resolute to stay put in office until my appt at 8pm. but staying in office is scary because everyone around me is working cept for myself. it's kinda stress yet irritating. and dear partner's mickey kept staring at me, eerie.
dont be deceived by his smile, he's kinda weird and his dress sense is weird as well.
and there's the reindeer on my desk, courtesy from uob and melson; he shall be called melbie then. melbie is friendlier and he seldom disturbs me. hee. in fact, melbie finds mickey weird too cos he always stare at his butt through the translucent divider between them.
im going bonkers.
onto more normal stuff, remember artbox? i kinda consolidated what i have with the partner's and tada, a gorgeous collection of girly stuff. =) sweet.
save me.
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