back to school days!
first up, the roommate & i. hee, a clarification, he's not from cat high.
the japanese school gals, pearly, yuying, fion, angela, carolina & celene! and sailormoon-moon!
the sweetie-pie girl guide, stef & sexy nurse, joelle.
with smartie-pants: ryan from RI and liqiang from chinese high.
true-blue bpian mark! and raymond from cck.
the ah-bengs. aaron from dont know where & alvin from cj. haha.
ok, i dont know wat schools are they from. kimi & shannon!
the cat high boys, jason, the roommate & joe.
smith & shuming! hee, cant really tell which sch is smith from but shuming's a maris guy.
the chong cheng guys, jimmy, cesheng & vincent.
ms tan, the librarian! and ms song, the ex-st johns gal.
and siwei, the st nicks girl. check out the belt and stockings, i think it's quite fashionable of them to wear the uniform. nice! er, btw, where is qiaoru??!??
we are JC students! with aj's meishi, sa's liwei, jj's philip and ace, who seems to be from acjc. and of course, fen-jie. her new lexus 2-door is damn chio.
h89-ers gals and our big boss, peter. =)
inside the ballroom itself, look at what's inside of our doorgifts! childhood treats e.g. vitasoy, the k.a.k.a. chicken corn snack, the 10 cents blackcurrant flavour chew, ding dang with free toy, corn snack, care bears memo pads and etc!
students drinking beer. gotcha!
and yes, my first time winning a lucky draw! though it's only the 24th prize and it's a casino watch, it's a damn vintage gold casino watch. looks pretty good! but check out where it was bought from?
the dnd ended at almost 12am and the roommate and i were kinda tired by then. both of us were already yawning away and we decided to head home instead of st james. but before that, we had satays @ the esplanade!!! i heart satays even though they're fattening and all! and initially, we wanted to take a stroll after the food, but realized we were catchin quite a bit of attention. no matter what, we were 2 students (a cat high boy and a nj gal) eating supper at 1.15 in the morning. though we did refrain from holding hands in public, whahahha. we were scared cos there's stomp-ers everywhere! oh and i drove and in fact, lots of us drove. haha, so we were deliberating if we would be stopped by the traffic police and all but we concluded that they should be too busy keeping a lookout for selamat to have the excess time to catch us.
and come to think of it, he's still at large. where the hell is he hiding at all this while?
back to the dnd, it was darn fun dressin up as students again. and the emcee is super duper marvellous! justin dominic mission, he's da man! quick witted, fast, talented, and so amount of words can justify his expertise. by far, he's the best emcee i've seen!
not a very long post, but i spend hell of a time posting the photos. sweats.

not a very long post, but i spend hell of a time posting the photos. sweats.
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