The Ghana vs Aussie match was more than what I expected to be; thought it's gonna be plain boring but the full 90 min proved otherwise.

At the same time, I realized my iphony is such a good companion when alone. Yea yea, I'm an iphony addict WHEN I'm alone. I'm learning to leave my iphony to rest whenever I'm out with real people though. Laughs. Pls note the keyword is learning, haha.
Even my mummy commented during dinner that I should leave my phone alone when eating. But I just got to reply my favourite honey butt drey on whatsapp!! We are such whatsapp addicts, it's almost the best communication tool on earth right now. I'm perpectually online in whatsapp especially during non-work hours. Of cos, it's not such a glorious thingy to be an iphony addict so I'm gonna control and curb the frequency I get my fingers onto the screen. lalalalalaaa.
Someone left an eaten apple on one of the shelves in daiso and i'm not even talking about the heartland outlets. What kind of social behavior is this?

Ok, I was pretty disgusted about the whole incident but I didnt do anything about it as well la. Thinking back, I should have at least informed the staff to clear it instead.
My every saturday affair.

I love the coffeebean breakfast!
Dinner was zi char at this coffehouse beside keat hong camp in cck. Daddy likes the food here and for the amount of food we ordered, the bill came nothing close to 100 bucks, think it's only 70% of that (including the satays and drinks).

We have simply stopped going to restaurants because of the experience at JP's Pu Tian and my mummy is superbly dissatisfied with the quality of food versus the price. Even after a year, she's still comparing and complaining bout it whenever we eat out.
The bday boy with his satays!

Don't think I ever mention about my new haircut that makes me look like a

. BUT the good news is, it's finally begining to look normal.

Today is Sunday, so it makes tomorrow Monday! I'm so looking forward to the coming week bcos my honey butt drey and I are catching the Full Monty on thurs!

Adrian Pang, here I come!
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