26062009 Da Vinci Exhibition

How should I put it? Leonardo da vinci is definitely an amazing man with great intellect and ambitious vision. The entire presentation showcases his masterpieces in science, innovations and arts. Of course, his most famous piece being the painting of Mona Lisa. In fact, there were plenty of replications of his ingenious concepts of science (in my term, mechanical engineering), all the instruments of measuring wind stuff and physics and all. obviously, this section bores me as my poorest subject in school has always been the irritating science. ha.
i love his art pieces, especially the painting of the last supper. do you know that he has amazingly represented jesus' halo by the light behind him and the man actually 'measured' it so that it's centralized from the different angles of the painting? yes, i can keep on talking bout it.
bottomline is, the exhibition only reaffirms that he's a damn smarty-pants and all the big, noble stuff about him is real. it doesn't really have a takeaway at the end of the whole walk which takes around 1.5-2 hours. it's pratically:
'wow, he's good. ok, that's it. yes, we've been here.'
oh, i say the ticket is a lil' pricey. however, lookin at the digital images of the paintings, i will really love to go to the louvre and checkout the actual stuff.
ps: the roomie, shall we? haha.
pps: to the gang, the kang xi exhibition is over as of 14 jun (according to ACM's website) is there any extension?
27062009 Range at the Fairway Club & Lovely Steamboat Dinner

it's very near my place and yes, another lok-kok range. haha. and the bloody 100 balls cost me $7.50 on a saturday morning. bleah! however, i found out that the same 100 balls will only cost me $1.80 on a weekday from 8am-2pm. sweet revenge soon. =)
dinner was steamboat at ms wong's house! as usual, the girls love pictures.

we had a little more food than we can finish but overall, the mini-meetup was great! we were super efficient can, we bought, travel and prepare the food all in less than 1.5 hour. unity is strength! simply love these kinda gatherings among friends, super cozy and all yah. and we ended the lovely evening with a couple of rounds of phoebe's current favourite game - saboteur, grins.
28062009 Home alone
my folks and little brother went to my aunt's place over at the other side of the island. as for the other brother, think he's having a superb time with his friends over at KL still. i decided to rest for the entire day after the morning activity. thanks to the viral attack at my throat, i missed the brooks run this morning, i missed a lot of things and latest update, it still hurts. think im goin back to the cute doctor again if it doesnt heal by tues.
however, my boy (despite his tiredness) came over to hangout with me late in the evening. grin, i love to use the word hangout these days, i always ask if he wanna go hangout with me that particular day, way cool! haha, in my own little world.
yes, we did hangout for a while at jp and it was my first time at old town white coffee. verdict: quite good, better than expected. i love the honey lemon, nothin fantastic of course but it soothes my throat so much that i just have to love it.
i say, thanks sweetie! =)
alright, it's time to take my medicine and have a good night sleep. got to fight the monday bluuueees tmr. oh btw, i'll be out of town from this thur-sat, will be back on sat night itself. in case some of you are thinking, what?!? another holiday?!? rest assured, it's not. it's just the annual mid-yr goal setting. haha.
*drey, stop it! i can see your subtitles man!*
good night world!